ARC Contest Round Two!
Hi lovely friends!
Just a quick one today to let you know that the second round of the ARC contest is now live! If you haven't completed round one yet you can still do that here, and if you're ready to move on to round two then you can enter that one here. It honestly won't take you more than three minutes to enter both rounds, it's a very quick guessing game and your prize is getting to read Dreamers SIX MONTHS before anyone else, which is a pretty sweet deal. Thank you so much to everyone who's already entered, I'm very touched and honestly a little shook that so many of you are so excited about the book!
Quick housekeeping before I go: the SANOPD/Dreamers cover reveal has been moved forward a couple of days from the 1st March to February 28th. This has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with me not checking the days of the week when I booked all these things in. all...
I also have a huge but not Dreamers related announcement coming on February 14th. I am SO excited about this one and cannot wait to scream with you all about it in only a few short weeks!
Take care of yourselves, be good to each other, and speak to you all very soon.